Lent REsourceS

This year, you’ll be ready for Lent. Journey with us with two brand new series from the Augustine Institute.

By signing up, you’ll receive emails two weeks before Lent with new episodes of How to Lent to help you prepare for the holy season. Throughout Lent, you’ll also receive new episodes of Foretold: Finding Hope in God’s Providence.

Dive deep into the Mystery of Christ this Lent with the Augustine Institute

Sometimes, it feels like Lent is just about giving up chocolate. But deep down, we all desire to do something more for Lent—we just don’t know how to do it.

How to Lent is a new series from the Augustine Institute that aims to equip Catholics with the tools to understand and practice the pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Guided by Solenne Santiago and with the help of priests and religious, this series will challenge our preconceived notions about Lent, laying out a roadmap for entering the season with a purpose. Don’t let Lent sneak up on you like it did last year. Instead, heed the call of St. John the Baptist by preparing for the Lord, using How to Lent to transform your spiritual life this Lenten season.

Our world is full of noise. Often, that noise is loud and negative. When was the last time you heard something good on the news? Because of the constant intake of “bad news,” many people no longer believe in the Providence of God, nor trust that he has a plan for us.

Maybe this is you. Perhaps you think God doesn't have a plan for you and your family. But Jesus is the Lord of History, yours included. Join Dr. Sean Innerst in Foretold, a new series from the Augustine Institute that weaves together the Old and New Testament stories, highlighting their connecting threads of prophecy and fulfillment. What was promised in the biblical story came to pass through Jesus, his apostles, and the Church. Ultimately, this biblical history is your history. Just as the prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled, you can trust that Jesus will care for you and your story. Encounter this profound mystery and reality for yourself in Foretold.

Sign up for Lenten email reminders so you don't miss an episode!

Pray with The Tears of Christ
on Amen this Lent.

Sign up for daily Lenten meditations from  St. John Henry Newman.


Purchase Lent: Coming to Christ for just $5 to reflect and journal as you watch our two new series on Formed for Lent.


Explore other exciting content on Formed
during Lent and Easter.

Let us guide you through these 40 days with new ideas for each day on FORMED! Please note that new episodes of Daily Bread and Drawing Closer to God aren’t accessible until the day of their release noted in the calendar, but you can simply opt in to email reminders to receive each video directly in your inbox once episodes are released. May God bless you abundantly through these Lenten resources!

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Lent FAQs

What is Lent?


Lent is a sacred season of prayer and devotion in the Christian calendar. For Roman Catholics, the forty days of Lent are a time of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving to prepare for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.

What is Ash Wednesday?


Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Catholics receive ashes made from the blessed palm branches from last year's Palm Sunday Mass in the shape of a cross on their foreheads. This sign serves as a solemn reminder of human mortality, the importance of the spiritual life, and the need for repentance.

Why don't Catholics eat meat on Fridays during Lent?


Abstaining from meat on Fridays is a common practice of penance and remembrance of our Lord's death on Good Friday. This penitential practice is rooted in the Church's tradition of fasting and abstinence during the Lenten season. By giving up meat—often considered a symbol of luxury—Catholics engage in self-discipline and reflect on Christ's ultimate sacrifice.

Why don't Catholics say "alleluia" during Lent?


When Roman Catholics observe Lent, Catholics omit using the word "alleluia" until the Lenten fast ends and the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus. "Alleluia" is a joyful expression of praise and thanksgiving. Its absence during the weeks of Lent underscores the season's somber mood, allowing for a more intentional focus on repentance, self-discipline, and spiritual contemplation. The word is reintroduced with great festivity during the Easter Vigil, celebrating the triumphant victory of Christ over sin and death.

What is Laetare Sunday?


Laetare Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Lent. "Laetare" comes from the Latin word for "rejoice" or "be glad." Laetare Sunday offers encouragement at the mid-point of the journey to Easter. The readings focus on themes of rejoicing, hope, and the promise of redemption. This day reminds us that even amid penance, Catholics live in anticipation of the Resurrection of Jesus. The use of rose-colored vestments and the joyful tone of the liturgy give us consolation and hope in the season of Lent.

Why do Catholics practice prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during Lent?


This period of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving fosters spiritual growth by holistically deepening our relationship with God. Through prayer, Catholics draw closer to God. By fasting, Catholics detach from worldly comforts and redirect our focus toward the Lord. Refraining from certain foods or activities as an act of penance is often associated with Jesus' 40-day fast in the wilderness. Almsgiving involves acts of charity, kindness, and generosity—particularly toward those in need—as a concrete expression of compassion. By giving to the less fortunate, Catholics participate in the mission of social justice and demonstrate a commitment to serving others, mirroring the teachings of Jesus to care for the marginalized and vulnerable.

What are other ways Catholics can prioritize spiritual growth in these forty days?


In addition to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, there are several other ways to prioritize spiritual growth during Lent:

  1. Stations of the Cross: Participating in the Stations of the Cross is a traditional Lenten devotion that involves meditating on Jesus' Passion. This practice allows us to reflect deeply on the suffering of Christ.
  2. Bible Study: Engaging in regular Bible study during Lent provides an opportunity to delve into Scripture, gaining insights into God's Word and his plan for salvation. Reading and meditating on passages related to the Passion and Resurrection can contribute significantly to spiritual growth.
  3. Remembering Jesus: Take a few intentional moments each day for silence to reflect in gratitude on Christ's life, remembering Jesus, the significance of his sacrifice, and the redemption offered through his Resurrection.

What is Palm Sunday?


Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and commemorates Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Catholics recall Jesus riding on a donkey while crowds greeted him by waving palm branches and spreading their cloaks on the road. Catholics understand this symbolic entry as the fulfillment of many Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. During Palm Sunday Mass, Catholics receive blessed palms as a symbol of victory and joy. The readings set the stage for Holy Week, leading to Christ's death and Resurrection. Palm Sunday serves as a prelude to the solemn observances of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and eventually, the jubilant celebration of Easter.

What is Holy Wednesday?


Holy Wednesday, also known as "Spy Wednesday," is the Wednesday of Holy Week in the liturgical calendar. It is associated with the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot.

What is the difference between Holy Thursday and Maundy Thursday?


"Holy Thursday" and "Maundy Thursday" refer to the same day in the liturgical calendar: the Thursday before Easter Sunday. However, the terms are often used in different Christian traditions, and there can be some variations in emphasis. "Holy Thursday" is more broadly used and is common in Roman Catholic and some Protestant churches.

Is there Mass on Good Friday?


There is a liturgical service on Good Friday but not a Mass. This liturgy focuses on the suffering and death of Jesus. Elements include the Liturgy of the Word, the veneration of the Cross, and the distribution of Holy Communion. However, the Consecration of the Eucharist does not take place and instead uses hosts consecrated on Holy Thursday.

How should Catholics act on Holy Saturday?


Holy Saturday serves as a bridge between the sorrow of Good Friday and the joy of Easter Sunday. It is a mysterious day of waiting and stillness. Going to Confession, praying with Scripture, and spending reflective time with family are prayerful ways to spend Holy Saturday. Embrace the silence, meditating on the events of Christ's Passion, to more readily enter into Easter with a heart prepared for the Resurrection.

What are people watching this Lent?

"This video reached me in a provoking way... It's time I need to stop, refocus, and look at where I am and where I want to be a better version of myself."

Debbi H.

“This series is so well done. I keep coming back to watch it again.” 

Shannon V.

"So beautiful! Thank you for bringing our dear Lord's journey to life for those who have not yet experienced it in person.”

Maggie H.

Explore more Lent resources from the Augustine Institute.

Pray with The Tears of Christ
on Amen this Lent.

Sign up for daily Lenten meditations from  St. John Henry Newman.


Buy Dr. Brant Pitre's

Jesus and the Jewish Roots
of the Eucharist

individually or in bulk for $2 per copy.

Understand your faith more fully this Lent with Augustine Institute Short Courses.

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